What is the rush to pass healthcare legislation? Perhaps it needs to be passed before people realize what "reform" means.
We were told before the election that healthcare reform was needed in order to reduce cost. Don't you think a 40% tax increases the cost of healthcare insurance? Sure does, by 40%.
If medicare spending is reduced by $500 Billion and healthcare providers do not get enough from medicare to cover their cost, they will have to raise the price of service to everyone else. Healthcare costs will increase or else doctors and hospitals will go out of business. Not only that, but the effect will be magnified since "reform" promises to add millions more to medicare. So "healthcare reform" will greatly increase the cost of medical care for people who are not on medicare.
I read that negotiations took place this week between the President, Democrats and labor union leaders behind closed doors.
Why the secrecy? I can guess.
The White House announced a "deal" that exempts public union members from paying taxes on their health insurance. They probably don't even have to pay for their own insurance premiums. They are paid with taxpayer money.
The rest of the American people have to pay a new tax on healthcare premiums up to 40%.
The "labor union leaders" are not members of Congress. They cannot vote for or against the bill. They are lobbyists for a small group of people.
Why is it so important to get the "endorsement" of "union leaders?"
Why don't union members have to obey the same laws as everyone else?
Why don't members of Congress have to get the same health insurance, and follow the same rules as everyone else?
Here is what I call it: CORRUPTION.
The unions take money from members and use it to make campaign contributions. In turn, the politicians receiving campaign contributions spend taxpayer money that goes to public employees.
Not only that, the union members get special treatment under the law, such as being exempt from taxes on health insurance. Thanks to campaigning by the unions, union members vote for the politicians who provide all the largess.
It sounds like a win-win situation, but only for the unions and the politicians. The taxpayers who are paying for this are the losers.
What are they going to do when they run out of our money, carry a debt? You betcha!
It's a conflict of interest.
Stay healthy. Comments are welcome.
Saturday, January 16, 2010
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